Image cropping components package
Published on Sunday, April 15, 2012,09:12:09 in Flex
Image cropping components package.
ImgCropScroller – is a basic component used as a skin part in the rest of components of this package. It allows user to drag, zoom, rotate image. It returns BitmapData object when crop button is pressed. Crop size can be any size even that which does not fit in screen, then whole image and the cropping area will be scaled but the result will be in desired size.ImgCropper – this component is intended to use on forms for example displaying avatar image or user photo. When you set on its source property as url address, it will simply load the image. When you click browse button, it will allow to select image from user computer and will inform if the loaded image size is too small. If image need to be cropped, it will show ImageCropScroller component that allows to crop the image.
ImgMultiCropper – this component is very useful when you need to add more than one image with possibility to crop. You can limit maximum files that can be added by user. It also has a special validator class that can be used with this component to display apropiate message when the user selects images that are too small or need to be cropped.
ImgDropDownCropper – this is drop-down style component that shows ImgMultiCropper when it’s opened. When closed it shows number of selected images.
ImgMultiCropperValidator – is a validator class that is intendent to be used with ImgMultiCropper and ImgDropDownCropper components. It allows you to check if images added by the user have a correct size, and keep minimum and maximum image limit.